It’s been a little over a year since Maranatha Volunteers International completed construction on a primary and secondary school campus at Valley View University in Ghana, and Seventh-day Adventist Church leadership reports that the school is thriving with nearly 800 students.
Samuel Larmie, president of the Adventist Church in southern Ghana, says there are 786 students in the pre-kindergarten through junior high levels. The high school, scheduled to open soon, will quickly increase the number to at least 1,000 students.
Valley View University, located outside of Accra, is Ghana’s only Adventist institution of higher learning, with approximately 3,500 students. Prior to Maranatha’s involvement, there was no Adventist primary or secondary school to serve the children of faculty and staff, along with the surrounding community; families seeking Adventist education had to send their young children to boarding school.
Church leadership in Ghana requested Maranatha’s assistance in 2012 with the first volunteer mission trip taking place in 2013. At Valley View University, Maranatha built 41 One-Day School classrooms and an Education and Evangelism Center, a large building with an auditorium and 10-classroom building.
Additionally, Maranatha constructed One-Day School campuses in Doryumu, Tamale, and Techiman, and 110 churches in various parts of Ghana.