
Visualize the details of Maranatha’s work by browsing our infographics. From statistics and factoids to the various steps of Maranatha’s programs, these infographics are fun to read and easy to share. View on our website or download to print.

The Gift of Water

Water is a basic necessity for life. It fuels every living thing on this earth, and it is critical to survival. But for more than 700 million people across the world, clean water is not easily accessible, creating a chain of problems for families and entire villages.

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From Request to Building

Ever wonder how a Maranatha project gets started? How do we choose which country to assist and where volunteers work? Here’s a look at the process, from the moment we receive a request to the ribbon-cutting at a dedication.

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Create Your Maranatha Mission Trip

What does it take to build a church in the Dominican Republic

Organizing a mission trip doesn’t have to be difficult–not when you have Maranatha’s help. Here’s a basic overview of the process for creating a project through Maranatha.

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The $10 Church

What does it take to build a church in the Dominican Republic

The $10 Church program has been relying on teamwork to build churches for nearly three decades! Here’s a snapshot of other factoids about our popular giving program.

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Inside India and the Adventist Church

A closer look at India

India has one of the largest Seventh-day Adventist memberships in the world. Here’s a look at how Maranatha has helped to grow that number by providing churches.

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A Church Family Tree in the Dominican Republic

How can a building be evangelism? Check out this incredible family tree from a church Maranatha built in the Dominican Republic, in 1992. Since then, that one church has given birth to an extended family of congregations.

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