On February 23, 2018, Ida Mae Freeman passed away at the age of 97. Ida Mae was married to John Freeman, founder of Maranatha Volunteers International, and she was a beloved member of the Maranatha community. Those who knew her on mission trips often called her ‘the Mother of Maranatha.’
A joint memorial service for John, who passed away in May 2017, and Ida Mae will be held on April 7, at 4 p.m., in Hendersonville, North Carolina. The location of the service will be announced at a later date.
The Freeman family has established a memorial fund in honor of John and Ida Mae. Donations will sponsor the Beryl Seventh-day Adventist Church in Dominica. Beryl was destroyed by Hurricane Maria in September 2017. Make a donation online, mail a check, or call (916) 774-7700.