Attendance was at a record high at this year’s Maranatha Volunteers International convention, September 19-20, 2014. An estimated 2,000 people gathered in Roseville, California, for a celebration of Maranatha’s mission, full of testimonies, worship, and uplifting music from Wintley Phipps.
Among the highlights was the telling of Ecuador’s Festival of Gratitude, which took place in July. Leonel Lozano, president of the Adventist Church in Ecuador, shared how members raised money to fund a church in Angola as a way to say thank you to Maranatha. Last year, Maranatha completed a major church and school construction effort in Ecuador, which began in late 2006. During the program, Maranatha surprised Lozano with a photo of a finished church in Angola—sponsored by the offerings from Ecuador.
Phipps’ Sabbath afternoon concert was another pinnacle of the convention. Phipps sang multiple songs from his collections, including new numbers from his latest album, ‘Near the Cross: Wintley Phipps Sings Beloved Hymns of Fanny Crosby.’
The weekend program was broadcast live on 3ABN, Hope Church Channel, and streamed live from our website. If you missed the program, you can watch the convention in its entirety on our website. If you have a Roku, you can also watch the program on your TV.
Free DVDs of the weekend can also be ordered online or by calling (916) 774-7700.
Next year, the convention will be in Tualatin, Oregon, just outside of Portland, during the first weekend of October.