During the first six weeks of 2022, Maranatha Volunteers International’s in-country crews in Kenya have been busy constructing churches, schools, and drilling water wells across the country. At the Kiutine Adventist School, our team is pouring a concrete slab for a new laboratory and getting closer to completion on three staff housing buildings.
Work continues at the Kajiado Adventist School and Rescue Center, where the crew there is finishing staff housing and beginning to construct a third elementary school girls dormitory. Volunteers will arrive next month to build the block walls of the dorm, which includes restrooms.
Our well-drilling team hit water at the Kiirua Adventist School and in a Samburu tribe village named Larata, where two previous attempts came up dry. The team now moves to the very dry Ukambani region to provide water for communities in desperate need there.
Yet another Maranatha crew continues to make good progress on the Advent Hope Seventh-day Adventist Church near the capital city of Nairobi. Workers have completed a false ceiling and are now applying interior primer in preparation for paint. This large structure will accommodate up to 425 people when complete.
And finally, our One-Day Church crew recently finished eight churches, with foundation stakes installed at 20 more sites in the Eldoret area. The fabrication team is assembling components for an additional 30 churches, as well as school desk frames and storage trunks for the Kajiado school.
Maranatha has been working in Kenya since 2016, building One-Day Churches, schools, and drilling water wells. More than 650 structures have been completed so far.