Praying for a Roof
Dear Friend,
As 2015 winds quickly to a close, Maranatha still has many unanswered requests for help. This church, the Hills Adventist Church in Nkayi, Zimbabwe, is one of the many congregations that are asking for your help. Behind the battered sign you can see their church. They have worked hard to have it. But as in so many other places, the roof is leaking, the walls deteriorate in the rain, and the dark space isn’t big enough to meet their needs.
A church—a simple roof over their heads—is the subject of daily prayers in Nkayi. They have pleaded with God and made a formal request to Maranatha. Now we bring that request to you. Can you help? Will you help?
Your donation makes a difference. Your donation means that this congregation can meet in a strong, dry building. Without you, they can’t.