2022 – Gifts of Remembrance

The following is a list of gifts given in honor of a loved one or to commemorate a special event. If you would like to dedicate a gift in memory of or in honor of someone special, contact Maranatha at 916-774-7700 or make a gift online.

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Winter 2022

Honor of Art Andres
Lorraine Field

Basil and Lenora Burton
Mike and Alice Weakley

Memory of Coke Marsh
Mike and Alice Weakley

Honor of Connie Schaffer and Harry Hendrix
Amy Fountain

Honor of Dan Tullock
Rodney Worley

Honor of David Woods
Tammy White

Honor of Doug and Carleen Flaiz
Jill Heisler

Honor of Fred and Zelda Reiss
Daniel Reiss

Honor of IB Bennett
Ruth Belliot-Grando

Honor of Isaac Duncan
Kathy Jo Duncan

Honor of Joel Facchinello
Larry and Carole Colburn

Honor of Josh Facchinello
Larry and Carole Colburn

Honor of Karen Zill
Scott and Meg Douglass

Honor of Kent Thompson
Richard Secor

Honor of Leo Pope
Beverly Jones

Honor Roxana Facchinello
Larry and Carole Colburn

Honor of Sofia and Nadia Malakhov
Mykola Malakhov

Memory of Alex Williams
Charles and Mayumi Cummons

Memory of Annie Johnson
Mary Johnson

Memory of Bernie Mundall
Lois Mundall
Stephen and Holly Mundall

Memory of Betty Sue Keller
Sherry Keller

Memory of Bev Noble
Ed and Bonnie Loney

Memory of Darrell Hardy
Dennisses Valdes
Dan and Ellen Butler

Memory of Darrell Myers
Beverly Jones

Memory of Delmar Batch
Jerry and Lauri Richards

Memory of Dorothy Sullivan
Penny Malburg

Memory of Esther Oldham
Mike and Alice Weakley

Memory of Fern Ringering
Brian Coukis
Doreen Beals
Gracie Ringering

Memory of Frosty Cross
June Cross

Memory of George Maeda
Amelia Maeda

Memory of George Ovcin
Debbie Nunnaley
Tamara Petrovich


Memory of Gheorghe Piturlea
Victor and Alina Tolan

Memory of Henning Guldhammer
Gudmundur and Lea Olafsson

Memory of Henry C. Martin
Robin Martin

Memory of Herb Boothby
Bill and Barbara Ambron

Memory of Irene Heine
Judith Brockett

Memory of Jim Reiswig
Bettigene Reiswig

Memory of Joan Wildman
Beverly Steele
Charles and Janet Schlunt
Dick and Lorraine Lane
Glen and Sylvia Middaugh

Memory of Jon and Ida Mae Freeman
Kathy Frodahl

Memory of Joyce and Abel Iheke
Gladys Ekwuruibe

Memory of Justin Ravi
Paul Akahoshi

Memory of Kathleen Barber
Robert Barber

Memory of Kelsey Berreth
Darrell and Cheryl Berreth

Memory of Lamoine Arnold Pearson
David Greenwald
Kim Schreven
Laurie Cook
Ruth Pearson
Terry Ondo

Memory of Marlin Allen
Udene Allen

Memory of Mike Baker
Charles and Janet Schlunt

Memory of Ouida Mandaville
John Mandaville

Memory of Pat Whitmill
Ellsworth and Sharon McKee

Memory of Rachel Burton
Mike and Alice Weakley

Memory of Richard Vogel
Keith Hallam

Memory of Ron Boucher
John and Merry Walker

Memory of Roy and Violet McCain
Lamoine Pearson
Todd McCain

Memory of Sandra Muschette
Claudette Muschette

Memory of Verna Keiko Nozaki
Stephen Nozaki

Memory of Vesta Bowman
Ann-Marie Providence
Diane Copeman
Gail Coates
Jamie Hercules
Joseph Pensabene
Joy-Ann Bowman
Puneet and Ruth Verma

Memory of Virgil Allen
Marcia Allen

Memory of Wayne Elliston

Memory of William Onuska
Carol Onuska

Fall 2022

Honor of Jim and Jeanette Genn
Paul Binford

Honor of Karen Zill
Scott and Meg Douglass

Honor of Kent Thompson
Richard Secor

Honor of Neoma Wisdom
Juananas Odell

Memory of Alex Williams
Charles and Mayumi Cummons

Memory of Andy and Judy Snyder
Sieg and Denise Grentz

Memory of Arthur Moffit
Floyd and Sandra Strandberg

Memory of Bernie Mundall
Dan and Ellen Butler
Jean Fankhanel

Memory of Beverly Noble
Catherine Noble
Charles and Janet Schlunt
Glen and Sylvia Middaugh
Larry and Barbara Atkin
Louis and Reinette Wildman

Memory of Calvin Knipschild
Erich Knipschild

Memory of David Gary Gainer
David and Jill Gainer

Memory of David Schultz
Douglas and Christine Klein

Memory of Donovan Freeman
Vera Freeman
JoAnne Morrison

Memory of Edith Habenicht
Larry and Deborah Habenicht

Memory of Edward Szumski
Bonnie Szumski

Memory of Esther Mach
Thomas Mach

Memory of George Kriner
Hamburg Adventist Church

Memory of George Ovcin
Burleson Adventist Church
Cindy Nunesz
Craig and Mary Fiess
Harold and Mary Cady
Judith Lindgren
Liz Simons
Lorraine Ovcin
Mike and Connie Danilov
Mira Milardic

Memory of Jack M Joers
Gay Joers

Memory of Jim Reiswig
Bettigene Reiswig

Memory of Joan Wildman
Carole Bliss
Dave and Barbara Zima
Judy Cizmar
Wendy Fivash

Memory of Julia Davis
Dean Mittman
Harry Cooper Supply Co
Lindsay Cowan

Memory of Kelsey Berreth
Darrell and Cheryl Berreth

Memory of Louis Wilson
Judith Lindgren

Memory of Marian Hart-Gay
Mindy Segar

Memory of Marlene Eichelberg
Audrey Freels

Memory of Maxine Camphuis
James and Sandra Whitney

Memory of Ouida Mandaville
John Mandaville

Memory of Pat Peck Sratton
Dan and Ellen Butler

Memory of Ray and Viola Bailey
David and Lanette Brandow

Memory of Richard Charles Vogel
Daryl Fornaff
Donna Vogel
Jeffrey and Ann Mitzelfelt
Kathryn Storlie
Mark Vogel
Mary Gercke
Niki Stoller
Peoria Adventist Church
Randy and Nan Fornoff
Rick and Tammy Smith
Robert and Denise Geier
Sarah and Alan Mathisen
Sharon Vogel

Memory of S. Clark Rowland
Robert and Madeline Johnston

Memory of Theron Collins
Elda Collins

Summer 2022

Honor of Beverly Noble
Charles and Janet Schlunt

Honor of Dan Paepke
Ruby Hinrichs

Honor of David Schultz
Howard Schultz

Honor of Donna Lee Miller
Pamela Badzik

Honor of Egina Hakala
John and Edie Taylor

Honor of Josie Duke
John and Edie Taylor

Honor of Karen Zill
Scott and Meg Douglass

Memory of Alex Williams
Charles and Mayumi Cummons

Memory of Arthur Moffit
Carol Moffit
Ronald Gruesbeck

Memory of Betty DiGrandi
Donna Bottgenbach

Memory of Don Habenicht
Cleo Forgey
Lorin and Gladys Wentland
Mike and Alice Weakley

Memory of Donovan L. Freeman
Susan Rhodes

Memory of Edith Habernicht
Edgar and Linda Joy Lockwitz

Memory of Frank Omero
Gudmundur and Lea Olafsson

Memory of George Bahm
Christine Baehm

Memory of George Kriner
Hamburg Adventist Church

Memory of H. Lee Beaty
Justin Revak
Maureen Cash
Teresa Iadevito

Memory of Harlan and Lois Collins
Greg and Judy Collins

Memory of Helen Downey
Thomas Downey

Memory of Irene Heine
Ann McCleaf
Ann Zinke
Bonnie Sines
Brian and Cheryl Show
Christine Hart
Gary Gleason
George Alexander
Jamie Heine de Boer
Joy Faehner
Khory Jordan
Melvin Hass
Veronica Lale

Memory of Janice Hoffman
Clifford Hoffman

Memory of Jim Frie
Art and Beverly Finch

Memory of Jim Reiswig
Bettigene Reiswig

Memory of John and Ida Mae Freeman
Thomas and Carol Kohls

Memory of Jon Hjorleifur Jonsson
Gudmundur and Lea Olafsson

Memory of Joyce A. Wilils
Clarence Broadnax

Memory of Julia Marie Davis
Douglas Leigh
Springtown Adventist Church

Memory of Kelsey Berreth
Darrell and Cheryl Berreth

Memory of Leroy Klem
Art and Beverly Finch

Memory of Marlene Eichelberg
Cheryn Briggs
Diane Breitenbecher
Dwight Eichelberg
Kathie Detloff
Larry and Cheryl McPherson
Lee Vixie
Ona Greve
Sharon Frost

Memory of Melodie Rittenback
Terry and Deanna Paxton

Memory of Quida Mandaville
John Mandaville

Memory of Richard Nashland
Ann and Morris Podber

Memory of Robert Charbonneau
Algram and Patsy Fleck
Deborah Heckly
Mary Ann Charbonneau

Memory of Rodney Widicker
Bonnie Tyson-Flyn

Memory of Ted and Grace Green
Mike and Alice Weakley

Spring 2022

Honor of Ade and Pam Adewoye
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Alvin and Deborah Davis
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Brian and Gina Woods
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Carl and Wanda Harris
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Carlos and Lilia Alva de Bendrell
Octavio Perez

Honor of Clarence Griffin
Charles and Karla Broughton

Honor of Donald and Elynda Bedney
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Eddie and Jennifer Woods
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Edward and Donnarie Woods
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Edward and Edith Woods
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Edward and Lilie Ann Woods
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Elizabeth Woods
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Declan Woods
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Emil Woods
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Genie Kildare
Brooke Peterson

Honor of Joan and Russell Tynes
Trishonda Woods

Honor of John Thomas
Lynne Macias

Honor of Julius and Hannah Locklear
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Karen Zill
Scott and Meg Douglas

Honor of Lynn and Deborah Gray
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Marty and Pam Kelly
Tressa Yantz

Honor of Matthew and Jayna Gra
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Megan Woods
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Michael Woods
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Ron and Cynde Small
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Solomon and Sherry Collins
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Stephen and Jamie Gray
Trishonda Woods

Honor of Turner and Jean Sloan
Trishonda Woods

Memory of Alex Williams
Charles and Mayumi Cummons
Sharon Ferguson

Memory of Barry and Thelma Burton
Mike and Alice Weakley

Memory of Brenda and Gwen Stinnett
Gwen Blough

Memory of Candace Lyon Chinchurreta
Gigi Gross

Memory of Charles Henkelmann
Ellis and Mary Olson

Memory of Christina A Lungu
Annie Coffey

Memory of Darla Asbury
Lawrence Savarese
Linda Glass

Memory of Don Habenicht
Barbara Snyder
Dale and Eleanor Howell
Deea Peckham
Edgar and Linda Joy Lockwitz
Jolene Johnston
Larry and Deborah Habenicht
Ron and Arlene Graham

Memory of Donald Peak
Gudmundur and Lea Olafsson

Memory of Donna Wollmann
Gayle Pond
James and Debbie Murray
Mildred Chaney

Memory of Fred A Nudd
Doris Hart

Memory of Geraldine Dickman
Elmer and Katie Baker

Memory of Grace Davis
Nerlis Fernandez

Memory of Hans Christian Terslin
Mickey Rabuka

Memory of Harvey and Shelly Zinke
Mark and Katie Christensen

Memory of JJ Vasquz
Garcia Raina

Memory of James Damon Freedle
Shirley Martin

Memory of Jean and Vern Stinnett
Gwen Blough

Memory of Jim Reiswig
Bettigene Reiswig

Memory of John and Betty Weakley
Mike and Alice Weakley

Memory of John and Ida Mae Freeman
Steven and Roxane Shoemaker

Memory of Judy Scoble Brown
Richard Brown

Memory of Kelsey Berreth
Darrell and Cheryl Berreth

Memory of Kitty Crumb
Judy Workman

Memory of Leroy Kelm
Bret McKay

Memory of Marlene Eichelberg
Benjamin Phillips
Elizabeth Johnson
Judy Achey

Memory of Mayme Johnson
Linda Mae Johnson

Memory of Nathaniel and Hannah Wilson
Larry and Mary Murrill

Memory of Ouida Mandaville
John Mandaville

Memory of Ralph Davis
Karl Kuehnert

Memory of Robert Schwindt
Turf Center Inc

Memory of Ron Boucher
John and Merry Walker

Memory of S. Clark Rowland
Dorothy Schumacher

Memory of Sarah Jane Rafferty
John and Sharon Sayles
Robert Rafferty

Memory of Sherman Cross
Elbern and Denise Cross

Memory of Shirley Brown
Roy Brown

Memory of Ted Green
Mike and Alice Weakley

Memory of Will Degeraty
Diane Degeraty

Memory of Yvonne Rhodes
Maria Butler
