Since September 3, a Maranatha Volunteers International group has been working hard in Grangeville, Idaho, to build a 5,700 square-foot addition onto the Grangeville Seventh-day Adventist Church building. The exterior and interior walls have been raised, trusses installed, window and door holes cut, and plywood sheathing attached. Next up is roof decking that is being installed in preparation for the upper tier of trusses. Before the two-week project’s end, volunteers will complete framing, siding, and window and door installation. The roof will be completed by an independent contractor.
The Grangeville Church building has been around for many years. The original layout had just one multipurpose room large enough for full-congregation gatherings that housed Sabbath school classes, worship services, sermons, and potlucks. Despite their efficient repurposing of the space, church members prayerfully awaited the day their building could be expanded. The bulk of the addition’s square-footage will be dedicated to a new sanctuary, with an assortment of smaller rooms filling the remainder.
Maranatha’s international volunteer opportunities are as impactful for those who serve as they are for those who are being served, and domestic trips are no different. “Having many projects across North America has allowed over 1,000 people each year to serve in their local conference or region,” said Director of North America Projects David Woods. “The friendships that develop as they serve together, and the blessings received as they give of their time and talents is a joy to witness.”
Each year, Maranatha works with organizations in the United States and Canada to provide volunteer labor for various construction or renovation projects at summer camps and retreat centers, schools, and churches. Work ranges from renovations of existing buildings to new construction, and saves thousands of dollars in labor costs.