Mark your calendars for ‘Mission: Maranatha!’ on April 16, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. This mini-convention will feature Seventh-day Adventist Church leaders from Southern Africa, South America, and Asia. We’ll also have volunteers share how their lives have been transformed through service, along with information on how you can join Maranatha in the mission to provide places of worship and education.
The morning will also feature special musical guest Jarrod McNaughton. McNaughton is an accomplished musician, having performed on 3ABN, TBN, and Voice of Prophecy radio and television programs. He is also president of Kettering Medical Center and executive vice president of Kettering Health Network.
The program will be from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the ICCM Theatre & Event Center
6425 Lee Hwy, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Admission is free and no registration is necessary.