At Maranatha, mission trips are practically an everyday occurrence. On average, Maranatha mobilizes more than 2,400 volunteers to a dozen countries in a year. But in 2015, there’s one project that has been historic for Maranatha.
On August 27, a small team of 14 volunteers arrived in the country of Angola to build a church. After two years of building churches in Angola—solely through local crews—this is the first volunteer team to work in Angola. It is also the very first volunteer team coordinated entirely through Maranatha Brazil, our new office in São Paulo.
In April, Maranatha established Maranatha Brazil and debuted a Portuguese-language version of Maranatha Mission Stories called Maranatha Histórias de Missão. The show airs three times a week on Novo Tempo, a Seventh-day Adventist television and radio network, and can be viewed in South America, as well as Europe and parts of Africa.
The show quickly generated support for Maranatha’s mission, along with requests for volunteer opportunities.
‘This Angola volunteer project is a response to Brazil’s enthusiasm for service,’ says Kyle Fiess, vice president of marketing and projects for Maranatha. ‘It’s exciting to see Brazilians get involved with Maranatha’s mission, and we look forward to seeing how they impact the world.’
Check out photos from Angola by going to Maranatha’s Portuguese-language Facebook page or to Maranatha’s Facebook page