Gifts of Remembrance
The following is a list of gifts given in honor of a loved one or to commemorate a special event. If you would like to dedicate a gift in memory of or in honor of someone special, contact Maranatha at 916-774-7700 or make a gift online.
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Winter 2024
Honor Art Andres Honor of Ani Esteban Honor of Don Comer Honor of Katherine Rose Price Honor of Kent Thompson Family Honor of Mark, Savannah, Austin, and Brooklynne Honor of Ted, Rachelle and Curtis Losey Memory of Alex Williams Memory of Alyce Hulse Memory of Arlene Bliesath Memory of Barbara Warner Memory of Barry and Thelma Burton Memory of Bernie Mundall Memory of Bertram Woods and Cheryl Chase Woods Memory of Charles Henkelmann Memory of Cindy Day Memory of Pastor Clarence and Kitty Southard Memory of Dale Jackson Memory of Dan Russell Memory of Don Mallow Memory of Erin Michelle Lundquist Memory of Frank Godfrey Memory of Frosty Cross Memory of Godwin and Catherine Mitchell
Memory of J.J. Vasquez Memory of Jack Crabtree Memory of Janet Caster Memory of Jeannine Duncan Memory of President Jimmy Carter Memory of Jennifer Lynn Andreas Memory of Jim Reiswig Memory of John and Betty Weakley Memory of John and Ida Mae Freeman Memory of Judith Ann Hunt Memory of Kelsey Berreth Memory of Kenneth Mayer Memory of Kitty Speal Memory of Lira Weis Memory of Lorence Nahorney Memory of Malcolm Moreno Memory of Rachelle Woods Memory of Dr. Rick Lukens Memory of Robert B. Charbonneau Memory of Ron Boucher Memory of Ron Stretter Memory of Roy and Annie Johnson Memory of Stephn and Olga Harkov Memory of Wilbert and Ruby Henneberg |
Fall 2023
Honor of Kent Thompson Richard Secor Honor of Mark and Cheryl Herscher Honor of Nancy Thornton Honor of Rick Lukens Memory of Agnes Loukota Memory of Alex Williams Memory of Anna Schwinn Memory of Pastor Bernie Baerg Memory of Bruce Stevenson. Memory of Charmaine Bainum Memory of Dan Russell Memory of David Morgan Memory of Frank Godfey |
Memory of Gary Jessop Donette Conrad Memory of Jacob Lemos Memory of Jean Hildebrand Memory of Jim Reiswig Memory of John and Ida Mae Freeman Memory of Kay Breyfogle Memory of Kelsey Berreth Memory of Leon Hashimoto Memory of Loney and Jeannine Duncan Memory of Malcolm Moreno Memory of Paul Stokstad Memory of Ralph and Betty Juhl Memory of Rita Vital and Elaine Wessels Memory of Ron Boucher Memory of Tom Zapara Memory of Ursula Clemont Memory of Virginia Spurlin Morris |
Summer 2024
Honor of Jalessa and Joelle Regis Clinton Regis Honor of Todd Zachman Memory of Alex Williams Memory of Anthony and Annice Krivoshein Memory of Barbara Warner Memory of Barry and Thelma Burton Memory of Beulah F Ford Memory of Charles Wiliams Memory of Dan Russell Memory of Doris Sterling Memory of George Ovcin Memory of Harold and Mary Knerr Memory of Hersey and Mildred Hynson Memory of Jim Reiswig Memory of John and Betty Weakley
Memory of John and Ida Mae Freeman George and Suzanne McClellan Memory of Katie Jo Schwinn Memory of Kelsey Berreth Memory of Kristy Bartlett Memory of Lira Weiss Memory of Marshall Anders Memory of Rita Vital Memory of Ron Boucher Memory of Roy C Johnson Memory of Stanley E. Caylor Memory of Virginia and Lee Widicker Memory of Will Zender Memory of Wreatha Leach |
Spring 2024
Honor of George Brown Mona Petrovich Honor of Gordon Marsa Honor of Joseph and Tobie Olstad Honor of Karen Zill Honor of Laura Noble Honor of Lindsey Pfeifer Honor of Stanley Caylor Honor of Terry and Dina Schwartz Memory of Alex Williams Memory of Arthur Raynor Memory of Betty Bauerg Memory of Church Williams Memory of Dan Russell Memory of Donald Rhoads Memory of Dormon Daluyen Memory of Heather Boggs Memory of Jim Reiswig
Memory of John and Ida Mae Freeman George and Suzanne McClellan Memory of Johnny Asberry Memory of Judy Wesslen Memory of Kelsey Berreth Memory of Lira Weiss Memory of Marjorie Cota Memory of Neva and Owen MacPhee Memory of Ouida Mandaville Memory of Roger Hinote Memory of Romulo Lachica Memory of Ron Boucher Memory of Treva F. Bouquet Memory of Walkter F. Parson |