Gifts of Remembrance

The following is a list of gifts given in honor of a loved one or to commemorate a special event. If you would like to dedicate a gift in memory of or in honor of someone special, contact Maranatha at 916-774-7700 or make a gift online.

Make a Gift Online


Winter 2024

Honor Art Andres
Lorraine Field

Honor of Ani Esteban
Esteban and Ani Arevalo

Honor of Don Comer
Donald and Kristi Comer

Honor of Katherine Rose Price
Richard and Elaine Price

Honor of Kent Thompson Family
Richard Secor

Honor of Mark, Savannah, Austin, and Brooklynne
Christopher Dickerson

Honor of Ted, Rachelle and Curtis Losey
Cheryl Feder

Memory of Alex Williams
Charles and Mayumi Cummons

Memory of Alyce Hulse
Ray Hulse

Memory of Arlene Bliesath
Brian and Carol Bostedor

Memory of Barbara Warner
William Warner

Memory of Barry and Thelma Burton
Mike and Alice Weakley

Memory of Bernie Mundall
Lois Mundall

Memory of Bertram Woods and Cheryl Chase Woods
Wenzley and Cheryl Woods

Memory of Charles Henkelmann
Ellis and Mary Olson

Memory of Cindy Day
Thomas Day
William Cote

Memory of Pastor Clarence and Kitty Southard
Bryant and Joy Davidson

Memory of Dale Jackson
Mel and Dorothy Jackson

Memory of Dan Russell
Candace Mayberry

Memory of Don Mallow
Sharlene McAllister

Memory of Erin Michelle Lundquist
Keith and Cathy Lundquist

Memory of Frank Godfrey
David and Susan Woods
Garwin and Marilee McNeilus
Marilynn Badzik
Robert and Doris Poblano

Memory of Frosty Cross
June Cross

Memory of Godwin and Catherine Mitchell
Kathleen Mitchell


Memory of J.J. Vasquez
Raina Garcia

Memory of Jack Crabtree
Jan Williams
Kevin McClanahan
Mike and Jean Kuba

Memory of Janet Caster
Phyllis Peck

Memory of Jeannine Duncan
Juanita Zuber
Stephani Maher

Memory of President Jimmy Carter
Bill and Barbara Ambron

Memory of Jennifer Lynn Andreas
Arthur and Laurenil Andreas

Memory of Jim Reiswig
Bettigene Reiswig

Memory of John and Betty Weakley
Mike and Alice Weakley

Memory of John and Ida Mae Freeman
George and Suzanne McClellan

Memory of Judith Ann Hunt
Wavel and Judy Hunt

Memory of Kelsey Berreth
Darrell and Cheryl Berreth

Memory of Kenneth Mayer
Esther Mayer

Memory of Kitty Speal
Nancy Thomas

Memory of Lira Weis
Dave and Rebecca Weigley

Memory of Lorence Nahorney
LeRoy and Beverly Wombold

Memory of Malcolm Moreno
Dean Moreno
Joanne Harrison
Marcia Culver

Memory of Rachelle Woods
David and Susan Woods

Memory of Dr. Rick Lukens
David and Susan Woods

Memory of Robert B. Charbonneau
Mary Ann Charbonneau

Memory of Ron Boucher
John and Merry Walker

Memory of Ron Stretter
Donna Stretter

Memory of Roy and Annie Johnson
Mary Johnson

Memory of Stephn and Olga Harkov
Hilda Keilman

Memory of Wilbert and Ruby Henneberg
Ferman and Miletus McKee

Fall 2023

Honor of Kent Thompson
Richard Secor

Honor of Mark and Cheryl Herscher
Janeen Seim

Honor of Nancy Thornton
Bob Thornton

Honor of Rick Lukens
Cynthia Voth

Memory of Agnes Loukota
Mark Swain

Memory of Alex Williams
Charles and Mayumi Cummons

Memory of Anna Schwinn
Dave and Judy Schwinn

Memory of Pastor Bernie Baerg
Jeannie Mansfield-Baerg

Memory of Bruce Stevenson.
Tam Jacobs Stevenson

Memory of Charmaine Bainum
Bernice Davidson
Rick and Valeree Krueger

Memory of Dan Russell
Candace Mayberry

Memory of David Morgan
Barry Billington
Brad Billington
Edy Billington
Geri Orr
Randy Billington
Richard and Clarice Anderson
Wendy Billington

Memory of Frank Godfey
Arnie and Laura Meert
Bob and Nancy Thornton
Darcy Cole
Dennisses Valdes
Don and Laura Noble
Don and Sandra Dyer
Dorothy Schumacher
Eleanor Morrison
Greg and Joyce Vixie
Harold and Lynne Lickey
Heather Lindstrom
James and Ann Fisher
James and Ruth Engelhart
Jenni Glass
Jerry and Pauline Rowan
John and Dolly Jackson
John Anderson
Kenneth and Kari Minesinger
Lenore Lowry
Linda Moorman
Lorene Soderstrom
Mark and Nikki Smith
Michael and Janine Jones
Richard and Caroline Jensen
Robert and Carol Leo
Robert and Doris Poblano
Robert Freed
Shannon Woods
Sten and Julie Bolander
Steve and Marit Case
Terry and Deanna Paxton
Thomas Chatt
Tony and Debra Baratta
Victoria Bolander

Memory of Gary Jessop
Donette Conrad

Memory of Jacob Lemos
Betty Lemos

Memory of Jean Hildebrand
Thomas and Sue Knutson

Memory of Jim Reiswig
Bettigene Reiswig

Memory of John and Ida Mae Freeman
George and Suzanne McClellan

Memory of Kay Breyfogle
Harry Young

Memory of Kelsey Berreth
Darrell and Cheryl Berreth

Memory of Leon Hashimoto
Misuzu Beebe
Barry and Carolyn Pratt
Stephen Nozaki

Memory of Loney and Jeannine Duncan
Cosette Goodnight

Memory of Malcolm Moreno
Lorene Berger

Memory of Paul Stokstad
Dan and Ellen Butler
Gudmundur and Lea Olafsson
Mary Kooyers
Terry and Deanna Paxton

Memory of Ralph and Betty Juhl
Charlene Hansen

Memory of Rita Vital and Elaine Wessels
Ruben and Donna Lopez

Memory of Ron Boucher
John and Merry Walker

Memory of Tom Zapara
Charlene Borris

Memory of Ursula Clemont
Janine Hakanson

Memory of Virginia Spurlin Morris
Paul Yim

Summer 2024

Honor of Jalessa and Joelle Regis
Clinton Regis

Honor of Todd Zachman
Georgia Zachman

Memory of Alex Williams
Charles and Mayumi Cummons

Memory of Anthony and Annice Krivoshein
Patricia Krivoshein

Memory of Barbara Warner
William Warner

Memory of Barry and Thelma Burton
Mike and Alice Weakley

Memory of Beulah F Ford
Richard Bergeson

Memory of Charles Wiliams
Omak Adventist Church

Memory of Dan Russell
Candace Mayberry

Memory of Doris Sterling
Ryan and Tonja Rasmusson

Memory of George Ovcin
Lorraine Ovcin

Memory of Harold and Mary Knerr
Patricia Krivoshein

Memory of Hersey and Mildred Hynson
Shirley Ashley

Memory of Jim Reiswig
Bettigene Reiswig

Memory of John and Betty Weakley
Mike and Alice Weakley



Memory of John and Ida Mae Freeman
George and Suzanne McClellan

Memory of Katie Jo Schwinn
Dave and Judy Schwinn

Memory of Kelsey Berreth
Darrell and Cheryl Berreth

Memory of Kristy Bartlett
Richard Luke

Memory of Lira Weiss
Kenneth and Brenda Weiss
Nelly Gonzalez DeGarcia
Rogelio Weiss

Memory of Marshall Anders
Joanne Carlson

Memory of Rita Vital
Elaine Kirk

Memory of Ron Boucher
John and Merry Walker

Memory of Roy C Johnson
Earl Cornell
Janet Castillo
Steven Johnson
Susan Kay MacDonald

Memory of Stanley E. Caylor
Phil and Linda Ruud

Memory of Virginia and Lee Widicker
Delvin and JoAnn Hansen

Memory of Will Zender
Maria Meyer

Memory of Wreatha Leach
Fred and Berniece Smith

Spring 2024

Honor of George Brown
Mona Petrovich

Honor of Gordon Marsa
Paula Cogdell
Susie and Sam Cogdell

Honor of Joseph and Tobie Olstad
Lois Andrews

Honor of Karen Zill
Scott and Meg Douglas

Honor of Laura Noble
Spring Meadows Church

Honor of Lindsey Pfeifer
Phillip Pfeifer

Honor of Stanley Caylor
Sherman and Sandra Farrar

Honor of Terry and Dina Schwartz
Dustin and Amy Guenther

Memory of Alex Williams
Charles and Mayumi Cummons

Memory of Arthur Raynor
Elena Raynor

Memory of Betty Bauerg
Charles and Janet Schlunt

Memory of Church Williams
George and Debbie Grable

Memory of Dan Russell
Candace Mayberry

Memory of Donald Rhoads
Charles and Janey Schlunt

Memory of Dormon Daluyen
Willabelle Daluyen

Memory of Heather Boggs
Ivan and Lorene Belko

Memory of Jim Reiswig
Bettigene Reiswig


Memory of John and Ida Mae Freeman
George and Suzanne McClellan

Memory of Johnny Asberry
Atlanta Harmony Adventist Church

Memory of Judy Wesslen
Ken and LaVonne Iblings
Robert and Karen Godfrey

Memory of Kelsey Berreth
Darrell and Cheryl Berreth

Memory of Lira Weiss
Alajandra Santos
Andrews University
Carlos Weiss
Carmen Saltos
Chris Weiss
Eli and Luz Colon
Joel and Jocelyn Bennett
Lourdes Alvarenga
Robert and Karen Godfrey
Rogelio Weiss

Memory of Marjorie Cota
Charles and Janet Schlunt

Memory of Neva and Owen MacPhee
Ken and LaVonne Iblings

Memory of Ouida Mandaville
John Mandaville

Memory of Roger Hinote
Atlanta Harmony Adventist Church

Memory of Romulo Lachica
Norita Lachica

Memory of Ron Boucher
John and Merry Walker

Memory of Treva F. Bouquet
Kathy Raines

Memory of Walkter F. Parson
Dan and Laurie Parson
