2024 India Fundraiser
Maranatha is responding to this need for proper places of worship. We have a goal to build 30 churches in India this year.
Watch a short video tour of the Mulabinnidi Seventh-day Adventist Church in India.
There are more than 48,000 Seventh-day Adventists in northeastern Andhra Pradesh. And many of them are meeting in structures similar to Mulabinnidi. Maranatha is responding to this need for proper places of worship with a goal to build 30 churches in India this year. Churches in India are complete with glass windows, a portico, and even bathrooms. You can sponsor a full church starting at $30,000, or you can give any amount toward our effort in India. From $5 to $5,000, every bit counts in providing a proper place of worship for this growing number of believers in a place where so many have yet to even hear the gospel. Please make a donation for churches in India. We are urgently needing assistance in this area of the world and specifically for churches.
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