Uchee Pines Institute (AL) Project

What's Included
The Uchee Pines Institute (AL) Project is one of our many efforts based in North America. Each year, Maranatha works with organizations in the United States and Canada to provide volunteer labor for various construction or renovation projects.
Established in 1970, Uchee Pines Institute is a non-profit, health education and wellness facility located in the countryside near Seale, Alabama, 15 miles from Columbus, Georgia. The institute sits on a 200-acre farm servicing the needs of those seeking to get well through natural remedies.
Volunteers on this project will frame a single family home around 2,000 square ft, including the dry-in stage. Carpentry skills needed.
Please consider joining us for this project!
Project Stats: 256 vol work days*7hrs*$30=$53,760.