Camp Wakonda (WI) Project

What's Included
Camp Wakonda is in Oxford, Wisconsin and is one of our many efforts based in North America. Each year, Maranatha works with organizations in the United States and Canada to provide volunteer labor for various construction or renovation projects.
This camp project will include building pole sheds for the primary children’s division, juniors and teens. Rebuilding the gift shop and medical building, repairing and painting cabins, remodeling bathrooms as well as landscaping. We hope you will join us in this beautiful camp setting as we help them prepare for their summer camp!
Project stats: 677 vol work days x7 x$30hr= $142,170. For full report, please see project stats in shared drive, electronic folder.
Summary: bathroom renovations, 6 total rooms (3 in the women’s, 3 in the mens, 2 family bathrooms painted. 50 cabins, cleaned pined needles off the roofs, framed three 40 x 60 buildings, roofed and siding on 1/2 of each building, painted inside the administration building, 6 small cabins and one large building, installed 80/90 feet of fencing, felled trees, new plumbing in Cedar Lodge Building, cleaned the chapel.