Kenya Open Team

***This project is currently full. To be placed on the waiting list, please register for the project, but do not make a payment. We will contact the waiting list on a first come-first serve basis if cancellations occur***
Join Maranatha’s first volunteer project in Kenya. This fascinating country has a great need for churches and schools and have requested Maranatha’s assistance. On this project, volunteers will serve three different communities.
First, the group will complete the block walls for a new girl’s dormitory at the Reach International Upper Hill Adventist Primary School. This school is bursting at the seams and the dormitory is on the edge of collapse. Second, the volunteers will build two new classrooms in the Lolparuai village where students currently meet under trees. And third, the group will assemble two One-day Church frames for congregations of the Samburu and Turkana tribes. These congregations currently worship in the dust with only trees to shield them from the sun and rain. This group is sure to make a big difference in Kenya!
In addition to the construction, volunteers will also reach out into the local community to conduct outreach such as children’s ministry programs, health education, and much more. If we have enough volunteers, and medical team leadership presents itself, we would also like to offer medical clinics on this project.
ScopeOne Day Church Construction
School Dormitory Block Work
School Classroom Block Work
Local Community Outreach