Chapel Hill Open Team

What's Included
The New Life Fellowship Seventh-day Adventist Church in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, began meeting in 1998. Since then, they have grown to over 150 members, many being college, graduate, and medical residents. They are active in their surrounding community and often participate in mission trips to respond to local disaster relief needs. For the last ten years they have met in a small Baptist church, but recently they were forced to move from that location. Their current church building lacks storage space for their equipment and does not have rooms for the youth activities. The members are anxiously looking forward to having their own church. Maranatha volunteers will be instrumental in making their dreams a reality by helping to build their new 6,000 square-foot church. Maranatha is seeking skilled volunteers to help with the wood framing and siding, as well as the rough electrical and plumbing work.
ScopeNew Church Construction