Ultimate Workout 25 Milo

Maranatha’s annual teen project, the Ultimate Workout, is entering its 25th year, and we plan to make this year even better by offering two Ultimate Workouts, one in the United States and one in Panama! Each year, high school aged teens from around the world join the Ultimate Workout and find opportunities to grow physically, socially, and spiritually. This year we are expecting more than 100 volunteers to join together to make a difference at Milo Adventist Academy in the state of Oregon. Maranatha provides all project leadership; we are not currently looking for chaperones and chaperones are not required in order for a teen group to attend.
This group of volunteers will become a family as they help re-side and paint the gymnasium, complete some demo work at the staff housing, build new decks, conduct landscaping, and frame a new cafeteria entrance. In addition, volunteers will reach out to the community by helping local retirees with house maintenance and conduct children’s programs in a nearby town. Download the information brochure for more information.
Final deadline for payment and additional forms is six weeks before the project, May 11.
ScopeSiding and Painting the Gymnasium
Demolition of Existing Structures
Basic Framing
Deck Building
Exterior Painting
Community Outreach