Andrews University (MI) Project

What's Included
The Andrews University (MI) Project is one of our many efforts based in North America. Each year, Maranatha works with organizations in the United States and Canada to provide volunteer labor for various construction or renovation projects.
Founded in 1874, Andrews University is home to the Adventist Theological Seminary and offers a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate degrees. As one of the most culturally diverse universities in the nation, Andrews attracts students from across the globe, encouraging strong moral principles and a close relationship with God. They believe in a holistic approach to life that balances body, mind, and spirit in such a way that students are fully prepared to serve the world when they finish their studies.
Maranatha volunteers on this project will help with campus renovations, focusing on the undergraduate women’s dormitory, Lamson Hall. Skilled volunteers will be needed for plumbing, floor tiling, and reassembling the dorm rooms.
Please consider joining us for this project!