Redwood Area Camp (CA) Project

What's Included
The first meeting of the Redwood Area Camp was held on a summer weekend in 1951 in Redwood Creek. Since then, Redwood Area Camp has expanded to 100 acres of land and about 1700 campsites. It says in the Bible that the “trees of the field shall clap their hands.” Every year at camp meeting attendees get a taste of just that. Some of the tallest trees in the world grow in Humboldt County. This area also features six rivers, one of which is on the border of the camp. Storage facilities, vehicles, trailers, and other improvements make the Redwood Area Camp one of the nicest locations where Seventh-day Adventists from Northern California and the western United States can gather together and worship in God’s sacred out-of-doors. Volunteers are needed to help with wood cutting, painting, renovations, and general cleanup. Please consider joining this project before this years camp meeting!
Lots of weed eating
Repaired Eel Circle Bridge Railing
Rebuilt Redwood Area Camp Sign
Rebuilt 3 videotaping plateforms
chainsaw work on downed trees and limbs, 60 acres
clean up of downed tree branches over 60 acres
Built and painted large door for shed at Adult II
Repaired shed and built door near entrance
shoveling fill into 400 feet of ditch with electric water pipes
power washed and painted 2 large recycle bins
power washed and moved 2 large handicapped portapotties
painted 2 camp meeting shuttle trailers
started repair on kitchen back wall, dry rot problems
shoveled 50 ft trench for electrical
pressure washed silt from winter flood off roads
cleaned ABC building and floor
Rebuilt camp store wall, repaired broken waterlines