Black Hills Health and Education Center

Project Full
August 10 - 24, 2020
South Dakota, USA
Participation Fee
Participants are responsible for their own travel expenses to and from the project.
What's Included


The Black Hills Health and Education Center project is one of our many efforts based in North America. Each year, Maranatha works with organizations in the United States and Canada to provide volunteer labor for various construction or renovation projects.

The Black Hills Health & Education Center is located in a lovely valley in southwestern South Dakota. Founded in 1979, BHHEC has played a part in improving and changing thousands of lives through the balance of physical, mental, and spiritual education. The Black Hills Health and Education Center is in the process of improving the campus facilities. They are currently needing new siding on Red Canyon Lodge. They also have other projects that require painting and roofing. Please consider supporting this project!

439 volunteer days*7hrs*$30=$92,190.

1. Red Canyon Lodge – lots of scaffolding was set up, the old siding was removed, new house wrap was put on, and new siding was installed. The west side and the south side of the building was completed. We did not have enough men on the project so Roger had informed them that not all the building would be completed. The old siding was removed from the site and taken to a dump area. Caulking was applied where needed.
2. Red Canyon Lodge – the retaining wall around the lodge had a lot of stone veneer that had come loose so glued the stone veneer and replaced mortar. Eight door frames were also painted.
3. Hillside Cottage – two decks had all the bolts tighten, many screws replaced, power washed and stained.
4. Jason, our electrician, replaced panel boxes and reran some electrical wires for two RV sites which are now properly wired. He put up four panel boxes for RV hookups and some for staff housing. Jason also replaced switches at the Wellness Center.
5. Wellness Center – pre-sealed and stained the Wellness Center which was a big undertaking as it is a two-story large building.
6. Pine Lodge – decks and stairs were painted along the south side—seven sets of them. Two apartments were thoroughly cleaned so new residents can move in. Two laundry rooms were also thoroughly cleaned, including removing items no longer needed in closet, and rearranging everything in the closet.
7. Main Lodge – Paint prep was completed which included power washing the areas requiring paint. Did not paint because to get it done would require volunteers to work in an area that was on a steep hill and none of the volunteers felt comfortable attempting to paint there.
8. Farm – the farm shed was cleaned and organized. Weeds were pulled in the Green House by some of the children and plants that were no longer producing were removed. The tomato plants were tied so the tomatoes would not be on the dirt.
9. Duplex – General cleanup of the building as the last people who stayed there left it very dirty and it had not been used for over five years. All the ‘junk’ was moved out of the building and then it was thoroughly cleaned. The interior of the building which has a large dining/living area, two bathrooms, three bedrooms and a kitchen were painted. The old carpet was removed, and a volunteer purchased new laminate flooring and three new fans for the family that is moving in. They also went to the Restore and purchased a washer and dryer which were also installed. A donation was taken, and the volunteers donated enough money to purchase a new refrigerator for the family. The back door was replaced. The wood stove was brushed and repainted and the chimney was removed so the stove can be moved to another area. The old deck had all the screws tighten, power washed and repaired. Three coats of stain were applied. A new deck was totally constructed in the back plus a deck for the other side of the duplex was also started. They had to do deep, deep cleaning of water deposit in both bathrooms and lots of cleaning in the showers.
10. Deck Furnishing – furniture for the deck for the main lodge was repaired and sanded then three coats of stain was applied to two tables and eight chairs.
11. Volunteers also organized books in the library at the Center.
12. One of the volunteers spent a lot of time removing algae from the creek as it was stopping water from flowing well. Two of the young children and their mother also helped with this when it was too hot to pull weeds.

Sadie Torrez,
Project Coordinator
Roger Naranjo,
Construction Superintendent
Monday, August 10
Arrive at BHHEC
Tuesday, August 11
First Work Day
Monday, August 24
Depart from BHHEC
ARRIVALBlack Hills Health and Education Center
13815 Battle Creek Rd, Hermosa, SD 57744
Travel Information

If you are planning on flying to the project, the closest airport is Rapid City (RAP). This is approximately 25 miles from the BHHEC.

Please book flights that come in before 6 pm on the arrival date. If you need to fly in later than 6 pm or outside of the arrival and departure dates, please check with the Maranatha office to confirm that your travel plans can be accommodated.

Please send your itinerary to so pick up arrangements can be made.

Travel Resources

Butler Travel:
503-879-5005 or by email with Nathanael at

CI Azumano Travel:
800-454-4099 or by email with Erle Dpenha or Azumano Team at


United States Facts & Figures


Washington DC


342 million


78% English, 13% Spanish


Mostly temperate, but tropical in Hawaii and Florida. Arid in the great plains and the southwest. Low winter temperatures in the northern states.


46% Protestant, 20% Catholic, Jewish 1.9%, 1.6% Mormon


US Dollar

Contact Us Want to speak with someone at Maranatha directly? Please call our office at 916.774.7700 to speak with a volunteer specialist. Alternatively, you can send us an email.

