Young Adult Project 2015

* Maps may indicate region where project will take place, not a specific site location.
This project is for all young adults ages 18-35. Join volunteers from around the world as they construct a Sabbath school building for the Finca 4 congregation in Changuinola, Panama. This church was built in 1996, but the outside paint was worn due to the tropical storms and hot Panamanian sun. In February 2015, the church got a facelift and a new coat of paint thanks to the Maranatha volunteers on the Panama Open Team. The energy of the volunteers encouraged the members to raise the money to fully fund a new Sabbath school classroom behind the church that will give a place for the children’s divisions to meet every Sabbath. Volunteers on the Young Adult Project will construct the block walls of this church. They will also serve the local community with outreach activities for children and adults.
ScopeOne-Day Church Construction
Children’s Ministry Program