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Our extensive catalog of videos features the passionate service of our volunteers and the heartfelt stories from communities we’ve helped. You can also find informational segments about upcoming projects, where we need your assistance, and basic overviews of our various programs. These videos are a great resource for sharing our mission with your family, friends, school, and church.
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Amazon Fire TV | Download The Maranatha Channel app on Amazon Fire TV to watch all episodes of Maranatha Mission Stories and other videos on-demand.
YouTube | Check out our YouTube channel to watch segments and other clips. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive updates on our latest posts.
iPhone App | Download The Maranatha Channel app for iPhone to watch all episodes of Maranatha Mission Stories and other videos on-demand.
Android App | Download The Maranatha Channel app for Android to watch all episodes of Maranatha Mission Stories and other videos on-demand.
Maranatha Mission Stories
Take a look into the heart of missions with Maranatha Mission Stories, a television series that will touch your life. In each episode, viewers will join Maranatha on a half-hour adventure around the world to witness the exciting growth of the Gospel message.
How to Watch?Airing Schedule
(times are in Pacific Time)
3ABN | Friday, 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, 2:00 p.m.
Hope Channel | Friday, 8:30 a.m.; Sunday, 8:30 p.m.; and Wednesday, 3:30 p.m.
Blue Mountain TV (Washington) | Friday, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday 10:00 a.m.; and Sunday, 8:30 p.m.
Better Life TV (Oregon, California, Washington) | Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. & 10:30 p.m.
On Demand
Roku | Subscribe to the Maranatha channel on Roku to watch all episodes of Maranatha Mission Stories and other videos on demand.
Apple TV | Download The Maranatha Channel app on Apple TV to watch all episodes of Maranatha Mission Stories and other videos on-demand.
Amazon Fire TV | Download The Maranatha Channel app on Amazon Fire TV to watch all episodes of Maranatha Mission Stories and other videos on-demand.
YouTube | Check out our YouTube channel to watch full episodes, segments, and other videos. You can also subscribe to our channel to receive alerts when new videos are available.
iPhone App | Download The Maranatha Channel app for iPhone to watch all episodes of Maranatha Mission Stories and other videos on-demand.
Android App | Download The Maranatha Channel app for Android to watch all episodes of Maranatha Mission Stories and other videos on-demand.
More than a Mountaintop Moment
Teens on Ultimate Workout served in southern Peru and discovered how lives can change in…
20 Years of “Maranatha Mission Stories”
This special feature explores into the history of Maranatha's beloved television program and how "Maranatha…
Maranatha Minute: November 8, 2024
Maranatha volunteers attend the dedication of the Alvarado Adventist Church building, which they helped construct.
Maranatha Minute: November 1, 2024
Volunteers build classrooms for the Sala Primary School in Zambia.
Maranatha Minute: October 25, 2024
Volunteers build a church on the Ciudad del Cielo school campus in the Dominican Republic.
50 Years of Missions: A Never Ending Fountain
Maranatha's long term commitment to education gives year after year.
The Forgotten Prayer
This week, travel with us to the second-smallest country on the continent of Africa: São…